Mean Stack Development

Tek Headquarters have extensive expertise of MEAN Stack projects with successful delivery of End-to-End solutions based on MEAN Stack technologies.

We would be able to discuss the multitude of benefits that MEAN Stack can bring to our clients who are not familiar with it.

Web development is divided into two main components.

  1. Frontend component consisting of everything accessible to the clients side, or simply put, the user: the web pages themselves and everything on them, such as the text contents, button, forms, images and other media, as well as the behaviour of all these web page components. In development terms, these are controlled by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and all their libraries and frameworks.
  2. Backend component consisting of everything that happens on the server side. All the logical processes and manipulations of the data acquired from the client side, the storage and retrieval of these data to and from the database.

These segments of web development require different tools and technologies to handle them. These are, for instance, different programming languages available to write backend code, and different database systems to store data in.

Web development that's involved in both the frontend and backend components of web development is called full stck web development. The stack term alludes to the layered or stack-like structure of data flow through the web.

The MEAN stack is simply a set of technologies that may be used for full stack web development. The name "MEAN" is, in fact, an acronym for the four technologies that comprise the stack:

Mongo DB

MongoDB is a database program and is among the most popular NoSQL databases, which are databases that store and model data in structures other than the tables used by relational databases such as MySQL

Angular JS

Angular.js is a JavaScript framework. It is an open-source framework maintained by Google. it is mainly used to introduce the MVC architecture in the browser-based applications that make the development and testing processes easier. Angular helps us in creating a smarter web app that supports personalization.

Express JS

Express.js a mature, flexible, and lightweight server framework is used for the server-side applications. With the help of Express.js, we can build single-page, multi-page or hybrid web applications. Express is also written in JavaScript. To provide support for templates, it uses the Plug engine (one of the most popular templating engines).

Express is a framework for Node.js. It has drawn heavy inspiration from sinatra, the popular Ruby framework. AngularJS - it is a frontend development framework majorly maintained by Google.

Node JS

NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript execution environment that allows developers to create web servers and build web applications on it. NodeJS is lightweight and efficient because it uses a non-blocking and event-driven I/O model. It is very suitable for data-intensive real-time applications that run accross distributed devices.

NodeJS is a multi-platform language that can run on WIndows, OS X, and Linux it allows creation of data-intensive real-time apps.

Some key advantages of MEAN stack over other "full stack" technologies are Highly Flexible MEAN allows you to test an application on cloud platform easily successful completion of a development process. Applications can be easily developed, tested and introduced in the cloud. It also allows you to add extra information simply by adding the field to your form.

MongoDB, specially designed for the cloud, provides full cluster support and automatic replication.

Isomorphic Coding is possible with MEAN

Transferring the code to another framework that is written in one particular framework is made easier with the help of MEAN stack. This made MEAN stack a leading edge technology and the MEAN stack development companies are considering plenty of technologies in MEAN to boost the transcendence in application and web development projects.

MEAN makes the switching between client and server easier

Developing apps using MEAN is simple and fast because developers are allowed to write code only in one language i.e JavaScript for both client and server side. A JavaScript specialist can manage the complete project with the help of MEAN Stack formula. With NodeJS a developer can deploy the applications on the server directly without the need of deploying it to a stand-alone server.

MEAN is an open-source technology

All technologies in MEAN stack are open-source whcih means that they are available for free. Hence, we can easily access public repositories and libraries making the development process easier and less costly.

MongoDB is cloud compatible

MongoDB is the ideal solution if our app needs to implement cloud functionalities. It lets us implement cloud- related technolgies with ease in the cloud itself.

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